> 春节2024 > 过年有什么活动英文




春节(the Spring Festival)是中国最重要的传统节日,通常在农历正月初一庆祝(Lunar Jan. 1st)。春节代表了新的开始和希望。人们会进行一系列的庆祝活动,比如吃饺子以迎接新年(toeat jiaozi to celebrate the new year)。

元宵节(the Lantern Festival)是在春节之后的第15天。人们会放些烟花,吃汤圆,猜灯谜,观看精美的灯笼等来庆祝这个节日(And family together to eat the dinner on New Year\'s Eve,red envelopes)。


During the Spring Festival, Chinese families usually gather together to have a big dinner on New Year\'s Eve. It is a time for family reunion and everyone enjoys a festive meal. Additionally, the tradition of giving red envelopes with money as a symbol of good luck is also very common(And family)。


On New Year\'s Eve, we got together at the grandparents\' house. We had a sumptuous 10-course meal to celebrate the coming of the new year. After the dinner, we watched the annual Spring Festival Gala on TV, which features various performances and is a highlight of the holiday season. During the Spring Festival, people also visit temples to pray for good fortune, exchange gifts with family and friends, and set off firecrackers to ward off evil spirits and bring in good luck(buy new clothes 拜年(invite relatives and friends) 放鞭炮(Set off firecrackers) 这个句子可以翻译为: what will people always do)。


The things that must be done during the Spring Festival include cleaning the house to sweep away bad luck from the previous year, decorating with red lanterns and couplets to create a festive atmosphere, preparing delicious food for the reunion dinner, giving and receiving red envelopes with money as a symbol of good luck, and visiting relatives and friends to exchange greetings(the things which must be done in Spring Festival)。


Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year, is an important festival in China. During this time, all family members gather together to celebrate the new year. People engage in various activities such as setting off firecrackers, visiting temples, watching lion and dragon dances, and enjoying traditional performances. It is a time for joy, reunion, and blessings(春节在中国是个重要的节日。春节期间,全家人聚在一起庆祝新年。人们会进行各种各样的活动,比如放鞭炮、参观庙宇、观看舞狮舞龙等传统表演。这是一个快乐、团聚和祈福的时刻)。


In China, there are many customs associated with the Spring Festival. One of the most well-known customs is setting off firecrackers. This tradition dates back thousands of years and is believed to drive away evil spirits and bring good luck for the new year. The loud noise and bright lights of firecrackers create a festive atmosphere and symbolize the joy and excitement of the holiday season(In China, there are many customs in Spring Festival, for example, setting out the fire work)。


1. The Spring Festival is one of the most important holidays for the Chinese people. Before the Spring Festival, people usually clean their houses, buy new clothes, and prepare festive decorations to welcome the arrival of the new year. During the festival, families gather together to have a reunion dinner, exchange gifts, set off fireworks, and participate in various cultural activities to celebrate the auspicious occasion(The Spring Festival is one of the most important holidays for the Chinese people. Before the Spring)。


Spring Festival(春节), Children\'s Day(儿童节), Teacher\'s Day(教师节), National Day(国庆节), Christmas Day(圣诞节), World Environment Day(世界环境日), Thanksgiving Day(感恩节), New Year\'s Day(元旦), Valentine\'s Day(情人节), Labor Day(劳动节), Halloween(万圣节)(Spring Festival (春节) Children\'s Day (儿童节) Teacher\'s Day(教师节) National Day(国庆节) Christmas Day(圣诞节) Wo)。